Posts Tagged ‘nioxin shampoo’

Nioxin Reviews By Actual Customers Uncover The Truth

Thursday, April 26th, 2012

The Nioxin reviews that can be found online are essentially in agreement when they suggest that Nioxin is actually a system that can benefit those suffering from hair loss. Frankly, the hair loss market is a big one and a multitude of products have come onto the market that promise to end the fear and loathing one experiences when facing hair loss. The strong desire to stop the progress of thinning hair and ultimate baldness translates into lots and lots of money being spent yearly. One major product group that services the hair loss market is Nioxin, who manufactures a wide variety of different products designed to treat and hopefully reverse hair loss problems. Nioxin cannot offer any guarantees when it comes to curing hair loss because the truth is it does not work for every single person, but they do point out that a large percentage of their customers are very satisfied with the results.

The most popular product in the range is the Nioxin shampoo which is manufactured from pure organic materials. Their shampoo helps to slow and even reverse hair loss by fighting the inflammation that is often associated with balding according to a number of Nioxin reviews.

After reading several Nioxin reviews, it appears there are a number of conditions that can lead to thinning of the hair, but one of them is relates to androgens that bind to receptors found on the scalp, and that in turn promotes inflammation and thus hair loss. Another common factor that plays a significant role in hair loss is the hormone DHT. The DHT can be removed using Nioxin scalp treatment and your scalp will be nicely cleansed. The healthy growth of your hair by Nioxin Shampoo has been proven, partly due to the natural and organic ingredients that make it up.

Like many products found on the market, some work and some don’t. Even with the best products of this kind, there are always some customers who are disappointed with the results despite the fact that the great majority are quite satisfied. When it comes to hair loss, one has to bear in mind that diet also plays a major role and this has been pointed out in most Nioxin reviews.

Both dietary habits and DHT levels can have an important role in hair loss, on top of additional factors like stress, being diabetetic, suffering from thyroidism, and certain medications. It is best to identify the underlying cause before treating the symptoms. You will most likely be able to eliminate the symptoms by treating the true cause. Experts in hair care endorse Nioxin Shampoo as it consistently gives good results.

Nioxin shampoo is a well-tailored approach to hair loss in men and women, especially when used in combination with the Nioxin cleanser and conditioner products. Harmful toxins, residues and DHT are removed as the product cleans gently. In order to suit as many hair types as possible, there are 8 Nioxin hair care systems which are available. The hair’s appearance immediately improves as the shampoo adds volume to the hair. Both customers and experts in hair loss, in their Nioxin reviews indicate that their shampoo systems are effective as long as the negative factors like poor diet are controlled.