Silent Migraine Clinical Diagnosis and Cure
Friday, June 29th, 2012Most individuals suffering from silent migraine suffers from one difficulty that is definitely most physician’s are frequently incapable to detect the situation. Failed diagnosis frequently leads to the worsening of the problem due to the absence of correct therapies. For migraine episodes that is not coupled with headache, the term being used is Silent or Acephalgic migraine. Nevertheless, you need to know that most forms of migraine conditions may or may not be Acephalgic. This means headache symptoms may or may not show up. For additional info on the various forms of migraines or for particulars on silent migraine, you could go to Migraine disorders, like silent migraine, passes through four distinct periods which includes the following:
* Prodrome Period
* Aura Period
* Headache Period
* Postdrome Phase
Nonetheless, not all the sufferers of migraine experience all these periods and one migraine attack may be different to the following occurrence or future episodes of migraine. To put it on a simple manner, silent migraine or Acephalgic migraine frequently bypass the third stage known as the headache stage.
Silent Migraine Clinical Diagnosis
When a sufferer is afflicted with silent migraine indicators, it is necessary to submit the person for a extensive diagnosis in an effort to find out what kind of migraine affected the individual. If the indicators displayed by the individual is not accompanied with headache, perhaps it is silent or Acephalgic migraine and this frequently includes the following:
* Migraine with the absence of aura
* Migraine with aura
* Basilar-type migraine
* Abdominal migraine
* Retinal migraine
* Familial hemiplegic migraine
* Sporadic hemiplegic migraine
Bear in mind that there are no specific diagnostic testing available for migraine disorders. Most of the time, the accurate diagnosis for silent migraine or for whatever kinds of migraine is acquired by examining the family history of the sufferer, the patient’s medical history, symptoms evaluation and medical and physical testing in an effort to eliminate other health issues which might be inducing the indicators. If there are any alterations in consciousness, it is very important to eliminate seizure conditions.
Cure for Acephalgic or Silent Migraine
When the episodes are not recurrent and headache stage is nonexistent, there are lots of drugs that may be given in an effort to manage the signs of the problem. These drugs normally include NSAIDS or non-steroidal inflammatory drugs, Midrin, anti-nausea drugs, ergotamines and Triptans. The drugs which will be given is determined by the seriousness of the problem, as well as the patient’s age and general health problem. Should the individual is having frequent silent migraine episodes, preventive therapies could be applied to avoid the recurrence of the episodes in the future.